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About Teleflora Florist Network

Teleflora is Australia's finest florist network. It is our mission to effortlessly connect customers to more than 1000 expert florists Australia wide. We are dedicated to sourcing the highest quality flowers at the best price to provide you with the greatest value for your money. Our exclusive range of flowers and gifts have been designed by local and professional artisans with the customer at the top of mind.

Teleflora is focused on providing our customers with flowers at competitive prices without compromising on quality and customer service. We provide same day delivery to metropolitan and regional areas in Australia through our extensive florist network. Our florists use their skills and expertise to create beautiful floral gifts that can be delivered straight to the home, office, hospital, nursing home, service or venue. Teleflora florists source the freshest flowers from markets and growers, to provide you with stunning arrangements and bouquets of the highest quality.

Teleflora over the years has been dedicated to actively supporting the floral industry through sponsorship and participation. We pride ourselves on our commitment to supporting the floral industry and ensuring it continues to grow and develop in Australia.

No matter where your family and friends are, you can send the gift of flowers with Teleflora!

Teleflora Partners and Affiliates
At Teleflora we value the relationships between our florists, customers, online affiliates and partners. Over the years we have built a number of successful partnerships with Australian and international groups. Our partners include large corporate organisations, charities, membership groups, online web affiliates and local businesses. We excel in meeting the needs of our partners by providing them with innovative opportunities to grow their business and support their cause.

We offer any organisation the opportunity to work with one of Australia's largest florist networks. There are a number of partnership possibilities we can offer such a earning commission for orders sent or we can offer a discount for employee membership groups. If you're interested in partnering with Teleflora or have any questions about the program, contact us.

Teleflora Florists
Teleflora is one of Australia's most trusted floral relay services. Our network of professional and quality assured florists have been delivering fresh flowers for over 22 years throughout Australia. We support local florists all over the country and handle the sending and receiving of international and domestic floral and gift orders to and from Australia.

Contact Us
If you'd like to place an order or have any questions about our services, please contact us.